Download the latest PC Upgrade Software and upgrade file here
Extract all files after opening the EK1 Tool zip
Run EK1ToolUpgrade to upgrade your software
Open EK1 Tool
Connect your device to your computer using a USB C cable
Place the device in PC Communication mode (from settings)
Navigate to Manual Upgrade
When prompted, click on the 4 dots and select the EK1Mini2 .bin file you download
Click “Start Upgrade”
Once the upgrade is complete, place the device in PC Communication mode again
Select Check ECU Data
Select Download ECU Data
Bring your device to your vehicle to read the ECU
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Be sure your vehicle is in a safe place and the battery is fully charged.
Place the vehicle in Power On mode (two taps of the ignition without hitting the brake, the engine should not be running)
Select “Reading ECU” then select CPEGD3.20.1
Allow the ECU to be fully read
Remove the SD Card from the device
Go to and create a ticket, uploading any files from the Maps folder of the SD card